The Sixty-Six advertising agency has been able to develop, during the course of its numerous assignments, a remarkable faculty for listening and empathising. This asset drives our ability to identify, in succession, with the perspective of the prospect and with that of the client, and to come up with, after a meticulous study carried out beforehand, ideas that are vital in terms of obtaining the most relevant advertising angle, the creative concept around which all of the campaign will be built.
Advertising campaigns are examined from the widest possible perspective. Weighing up strategic issues in their globality enables you plan ahead, to lay down foundations for the long term. Thus the resulting action plan incorporates a target market and precise aims, and it takes your budget and your stated priorities into consideration.
Strategic and concrete understanding
Lay down solid foundations in order to analyse, give meaning, address global strategic issues, put forward
concrete solutions and provide optimum assistance.
Global approach
Adopting a winning strategy equates to enabling a firm to acquire a competitive advantage! It is important to
manage to maintain it and to use it to create value…a must for your brand image!
A coordinated action plan which can be developed
Coming up with tools in line with aims, unleashing their potential effectively – an advertising plan comes with
precise measures which can be developed quickly.
Drawing up, structuring, producing, to achieve the objective laid down, to the initial deadline and to the initial budget.
A project manager compiles and coordinates your action plan and measures, in conjunction with you, the project’s
impact and return on investment.
The project manager stays in contact with you throughout the course of your project. He or she manages work and coordinates out-of-house service providers (printers, advertising sales departments, the media, etc.). This exclusive relationship facilitates better understanding and enables solutions which are truly in line with your aims.